Lance’s “Ripple Effects” and YOU

Give Lance Armstrong credit, he finally owned up to using performance enhancing drugs to be successful in the cycling world. He lied for years and that must not have been fun at all. He must feel relieved that the truth is finally out.

But think of the “ripple effects” of his decision for doping:
– name and legacy tarnished
– Olympic bronze medal stripped
– 7 Tour de France titles stripped
– Livestrong Foundation donations could drop significantly for cancer research

This just in:


Armstrong’s admittance effects the cycling world, professional athletes everywhere, his family, jobs at Livestrong, etc. Innocent people that had nothing to do with PED’s, are dealing with the effects of his admittance.

We can easily point the finger at Lance Armstrong, but are you one step from making some ripples in your own life?

When you make a decision, it has a ripple effect, that’s a fact.

Now the good thing is that ripples can be positive!

Examples could be as easy as volunteering or giving donations or opening up your home… People see your generosity and are attracted to the heart behind it, then it becomes a vision for someone’s future… A positive ripple from an event.

And then of course we can make poor decisions that hurt others around us. We know these way too well. Similar to Lance we can make a selfish decision that can really hurt ourselves, but also others.

I have made both kind of ripples in my life; I have seen God use some decisions in my life to really better others! And I have had to endure tears and heartaches and have sincerely apologized for the ripple effects that I have caused to those close to me. It sucks.

What kind of ripples are you making in your life and who is being affected by your “splash?”

Your boy KitchNasty is out.

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