New Year’s Resolutions…

It’s January 1st, 2013 and one “hot topic” this time of year is regarding New Year’s Resolutions…

You’ve heard them all and might want them for yourself this year:
– eat healthier
– get more sleep
– lose weight
– exercise more
– spend more time with my spouse/kids/family/friends
– don’t watch as much television or spend as much time online (which if you are reading this, you have already broken your resolution, sorry)

The term “New Year’s Resolutions” is more like a “SELF HELP” mantra… what do I want to change or begin doing as I think about a new year.

Have you ever thought about a Spiritual New Year’s Resolution?

You should. We think so much about changes we want to make in life but so many times we can leave our spiritual life stuck in last year. What do you want to do different in 2013 to help you grow in your walk with the Lord? What can you do to go deeper in your faith?

Here are a few ideas by your boy KitchNasty as you think ahead to this year spiritually:

set a goal of reading Scripture per week
– set up a Bible Reading Plan using the YouVersion app
initiate spiritual conversations with older influences in your life who are walking with God
keep a prayer journal to see how God answers the prayers of your heart
– set up a regular time to spend with God – to pray, listen, just give Him priority in your life
get rid of cable television– cut yourself off at a certain time at night of electronics
sign up for a Mission Trip or other act of service in your community
commit to a Bible Study with others/Small Group though Church
Proverbs Challenge – read the chapter in Proverbs that corilates with the date of every month (so read Proverbs 22 on the 22nd of every month, ex. – great wisdom that is worth reading every month)
memorize scripture

My wife Katie recently recieved this book from a friend that we are using this year to help us memorize some of the most powerful verses in Scripture… there is nothing like having God’s truths and promises on our hearts at all times

The book is called “100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart” by Robert J. Morgan.


So what are you going to do THIS YEAR that is going take you from HERE… to THERE in your faith? Come up with your own ideas and share them with a friend, ask them to walk with you in this as you desire your faith to be truly deeper.

You can have GOOD INTENTIONS for 2013… but that’s all they remain, good intentions. Step out in faith and let God take your good intentions and turn them to a life-changing experience!

Happy New Year!

– Your boy KitchNasty

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